Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Evaluation- Question 1

Question 1:

'In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media?'

My media product (a music video) falls under the genre of Pop/Indie. The original video for the song and other past work from the artist reflects more of an Indie feel, but the song itself is slightly more in the pop genre.

Conventions of a pop music video can include:

-Close of shots of the artisit
-Most of the camera time to be spend on the artist
-Elements of perfomace and a narrative
-Camera shots to encourage the audience to look at the artisit in a sexualised way
-Bright colours
-Backing dancers or singers
-Lots of different locations
-Elements of humour

Below shows some examples of this in exisiting media products:

Beyonce- 'Run the world' shows her dancing with backing dancers and performing.

Katy Perry- 'Last Friday night' shows elements of bright colours and a performace/narrative video.
Convetions of an indie music video are a little different, they can include:
-Green/natural colours
-Shots of nature and landscapes
-Guitar or other accoustic instruments
-Shots of the artist
-A happy and jolly feel
-A mixture of narrative and performance elements
Below shows some examples of this in exisiting media products:
Ben Howard- 'Keep your head up' shows natural colours and shots of nature
Newton Faulkner- 'Clouds' shows elements of performance involving an accoustic guitar
Within my music video I have used the conventions mainly from an Indie style music video, with influences from pop because of the close up shots of the artist.
My music video uses lots of shots of nature and wildlife either on it's own or as a change of scenery in the video as a background for the artisit. This reflects conventions of exisiting Indie music video's as shown above in Ben Howard and Newton Faulkner's music videos. An example of this in my music video can be seen below in a screenshot from the start of the video.

There are more examples from my music video which show a direct relationship between the conventions of my video and exisiting videos of the same genre.

I find that the weather can be a popular convention in an Indie music video. Weather is a really obvious factor when you start watching a music video to help you determine what kind of mood the artist in the video is in. The weather in an Indie music video is normally quite sunny to show a happy mood, but this isn't always the case. In my music video it is filmed in snow most of the time, mainly to reflect a sombre mood from the girl who is longing to have her boyfriend back. There are also some shots of a sunset to add variation.

The weather seems to be an influential part of any music video, below shows a screen shot of the weather in my video.

A convention that is common in both pop and indie music videos is close up shots of the artist through out the video. This helps to promote them as an artist to make it clear who is the main singer when the video is sometimes full of other actors or dancers. In a pop video it is sometimes done to portray a woman in a sexual way, this is called voyeurism.

Within my music video I used close up shots of my artist just to make it clear who the main character of the video was so that people focus more on her. My video is also quite an emotional video, close up shots of her show this more successfully.

My video also does challenge normal conventions of pop and indie videos. Firstly, I added a starry effect using Final Cut Pro to add a magical look to the video. Normally Indie music videos are quite basic in the way they stick to shots of landscapes and the artist singing or playing an instrument.


I also went against normal conventions of an Indie music video by including lots of noticeable costume changes as well as locations changes. The themes were very different. I included shots indoors wearing jeans and a neutral jumper, shots indoor wearing a sparkly dress and shots outdoors wearing a big coat. I did this to add an interesting element to the video so it didn't appear repetitive. Also so that it matched themes of a pop video- where there is lots going on and locations and costumes change a lot.

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