Monday, 1 October 2012


Modernism was a Social/Art and Political movement that aimed to reinvent culture that people felt had become outdated. This was roughly between the 1890s-1960s. In reaction to this from the 1970s Postmodernism occurred. 

Postmodernism was a break of the rules, the breakdown of the barriers between genres and styles. In media texts things were mixed up, for example time, space and narrative. Fiction, reality and representation were blurred together also. People became more used to a mediated version of reality rather than a reality itself. This is called Hyperreality and is there theory from Bandrillard.  

There are different ways in which a music video could be seen as Postmodernist. If one media text makes a reference to another this is called Intertextuality. A parody is when someone mocks something else in an original way. A Homage or Pastione is when an artist works in a style that imitates that of another work, artist or period. This is a self-conscious imitation. Finally a Bricolage is mixing up and using different genres and styles.  


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